
CSS Cascade Layers

                        One of the most common causes of confusion in CSS is facing specificity while writing styles. For example, changing the  display  value for an element never works because another element in the cascade overrides it due to having a higher specificity. Or when another element has  !important  That usually happens when the codebase is growing and we’re not organizing CSS in a way that prevents (or reduces) such problems. To overcome the fights with the cascade and specificity issues, we need to be careful about where to write a specific CSS block. In small projects, this can be okay, but for large ones, it’s a time-consuming task. As a result, we started to see different methods to help us organize our CSS better and thus reducing the cascade issues. The first three that came to my mind are the  BEM  (Block, Element, Modifier),  Smacss  by Jonathan Snook and...